送貨費用$80, 買滿$900免費送貨服務。

政策 Policies


運送與退貨 | Shipping & Returns Policy

1. 每次於電子商店購物金額滿港幣900元或以上,您可免費享用送貨服務(詳情載於發票內)。購物金額滿港幣900元以下須付港幣80元送貨服務費。

Each time you spend HK$900 or more  at the online store, you can enjoy free delivery service (details are included in the invoice). A delivery service fee of HK$80 must be paid for purchases under HK$900.

2. 送貨服務僅限於固定地址,服務範圍包括香港島、九龍、新界、東涌、愉景灣及馬灣。送貨時間為星期一至五上午10時至下午6時提供(公眾假期除外)。

Delivery service is limited to fixed addresses. The service scope includes Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, New Territories, Tung Chung, Discovery Bay and Ma Wan. Delivery time is from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 6 pm (except public holidays).

3. 於逢星期一至星期五下午6時前(公眾假期除外)於電子商店成功訂購、訂單獲接受及完成付款,並收到電郵確認後,我們將在下三個工作天送貨到您的指定送貨地址。 此服務可能會受季節性影響(始聖誕及新年等長假期)。

After the successful order at the electronic store before Monday to Friday at 6 pm (except public holidays), the order is accepted and the payment is completed, and after receiving the email confirmation, we will deliver to your designated delivery within the next three working days address. This service may be affected by seasonality (starting at long holidays such as Christmas and New Year).

4. 送貨服務不適用於: 非固定地址、邊境禁區、離島、酒店房間、碼頭或貨倉及未能以升降機能直達於四樓或以上的送貨地址。

The delivery service is not applicable to: non-fixed addresses, border restricted areas, outlying islands, hotel rooms, docks or warehouses and delivery addresses that cannot reach the fourth floor or above by elevator.

5. 當您於電子商店提交訂單後,如訂單獲我們接受,我們將會與您確認預計送貨時間及日期。貨物送抵時,請您點收訂購了的貨品是否齊全,並由收件人在送貨單上寫上姓名及簽名確認收取貨品。

When you submit an order at the online shop, if the order is accepted by us, we will confirm the estimated delivery time and date with you. When the goods arrive, please check whether the ordered goods are complete, and the recipient will write the name and signature on the delivery note to confirm the receipt of the goods.

6. 若懸掛八號颱風訊號或黑色暴雨警告,我們將盡力安排下一個工作天送貨。

If the No. 8 typhoon signal or black rainstorm warning is hoisted, we will try our best to arrange delivery on the next working day.

7. 如果您因在首次約定的送貨預約時失約或因您提供不準確地址而導致您未能收取您訂購的產品,我們會保留向您收取額外送貨費用的權利。

If you fail to make an appointment for the first agreed delivery appointment or because you provide an inaccurate address and you fail to collect the product you ordered, we reserve the right to charge you an additional delivery fee.

8. 所有送貨日期和時間均為預計送貨日期和時間。就您可能因為送貨延誤所可能造成的損失或損害,我們恕不負任何責任。

All delivery dates and times are estimated delivery dates and times. We will not be responsible for any loss or damage you may cause due to delivery delays.

9. 如果並非因我們的錯誤而導致您未能於訂單確認通知日期兩星期內收取貨品,我們保留向閣下按我們現行服務費用收取儲存費用的權利。在此情況下,您必須先付清相關儲存費用方可取貨。

If it is not our error that caused you to fail to collect the goods within two weeks of the order confirmation notice, we reserve the right to charge you a storage fee based on our current service fees. In this case, you must pay the relevant storage fees before you can pick up the goods.

10. 如有任何爭議,我們保留最終的決定權。

In case of any disputes, we reserve the right for the final decision.


私穩政策聲明 | Privacy Policy Statement

We take our customers privacy seriously and we will only collect and use your personal information as outlined below.

Our Privacy Statement fully complies with the Privacy Act 1988 and represents the industry’s best practice.

Collection of Personal Information

We collect your personal information so that we can carry out the following actions (“Purpose”):

  • to provide you with products and services that you have requested from us;

  • to communicate with you, including about products and services, competition results, special offers, and events which might interest you;

  • to answer your questions and provide you with information or advice;

  • to create orders, transaction records, agreements for the sale of products or services, accounts, tax invoices or receipts;

  • provide your personal information to third parties that assist us in providing products and services you have requested, such as delivery service providers and fulfilment managers;

  • carry out administration, marketing, planning, fraud and loss prevention activities, procurement, product and service development, quality control and research to improve the way PURE RICE SAKE and its related bodies corporate and service providers provide products and services to you;

  • to consider and respond to complaints made by you;

  • to comply with laws or regulations or to comply with any directions given by regulators or authorities.

Unsubscribing from Email Subscriptions

From time-to-time PURE RICE SAKE may send you electronic marketing material - but only ever in accordance with the provisions of Spam Act 2003 (Cth).

You may unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time:

  1. Open any newsletter sent to you by PURE RICE SAKE.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the newsletter and click 'Unsubscribe'.

Security of Your Personal Information

PURE RICE SAKE ensures that all information collected will be safely and securely stored. 

We protect your personal information by:

  • Restricting access to personal information

  • Maintaining technology products to prevent unauthorised computer access

  • Securely destroying your personal information when it's no longer needed for our record retention purposes

  • PURE RICE SAKE uses SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption technology when processing your financial details.

Disclosure of Personal Information

Your personal information may be disclosed in connection with any Purpose to any of the following:

  • our employees, contractors or service providers, to the extent reasonably necessary to fulfil our obligations to you. This may include internet service providers, IT systems administrators, mailing houses, couriers, payment processors, and data entry service providers;

  • our business advisors, including lawyers, accountants or other professional service providers, to the extent reasonably required;

  • suppliers and other third parties with whom we have commercial relationships, for business, marketing and related purposes;

  • if required by law, to any person authorised by such law. This may include the police service, ambulance service, or government departments or regulators within Australia in connection with law enforcement activities.

Your personal information will not be shared, sold, rented or disclosed other than as described in this privacy policy.

Complaints about breaches of privacy

If you are not satisfied with the way in which we handle your enquiry or complaint, please don't hesitate to contact us at purericesake.hk@gmail.com